Essentials of the NSF SBIR/STTR Program

The National Science Foundation’s SBIR/STTR program focuses on transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial potential and/or societal benefit. Unlike fundamental research, the NSF SBIR/STTR program supports startups and small businesses in the creation of innovative, disruptive technologies, getting discoveries out of the lab and into the market. During this training event, attendees

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Business Boost: Lunch & Learn

Businesses need an edge over the competition. The business that works smarter often gets ahead. Learn about Library resources that can give you an advantage. Bring your lunch, laptop or mobile device. The Library has electronic databases that an owner can use to build targeted lists of prospective customers and that can help businesses learn

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Diving Deeper: Exploring the Foundation Directory

To win grants, you need the most up-to-date, complete information you can get about grantmakers and the grants they’ve made. How can you get that? Only from the comprehensive database and powerful search tools Foundation Directory Online offers. David Topoleski, of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, will provide an overview of the directory, run sample

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Women Economic Empowerment III: The Future of Work

This session will analyze changes which are fundamentally altering the job market, including the type of jobs that will exist in the future and the skills that would be required for those jobs in Greater Toledo area. With nearly one billion women entering the global economy in the next decade, they risk of losing out

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Mentoring on the Moments (M.o.M.) Fall Kickoff

This Fall, Women of Toledo is re-branding its Speed Mentoring program with the goal for Mentor/Mentees to fully capitalize on the opportunity and ability to connect, communicate and collaborate with more women and leaders in our community.

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Tech Community Mixer with NextTech

Do you work in the tech industry? Do you like to hang out with people who love to talk tech? Join us on Thursday, June 13 at Seed Coworking! This networking event is geared toward anyone in any industry – programmers, developers, analysts, you name it – who wants to be more involved in the

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Ohio MSDC Pre-Certification Workshop Toledo

This course is designed to educate business owners on the requirements, benefits, and opportunities associated with obtaining the necessary certifications to bid on Local, State and Federal government contracts, as well as local and national corporate contracts. Come and learn what is needed to fulfill the necessary certification requirements.

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SBIR/STTR Funding through the NIH

The National Institute of Health is one of the nation’s leading medical research agencies. The NIH is made up of 27 different Institutes and Centers, each with its own specific research agenda. The NIH has three submission windows throughout the year for SBIR / STTR. The program will begin with SBIR/STTR basics including what the

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Northwest Ohio Pitch Competition

Join us on Thursday, May 9 to support ten Northwest Ohio entrepreneurs as they pitch their business ideas to a live audience, and a panel of judges, for a chance to win up to $1000. The best part? All participants will walk away with at least $250! * Registering means you will be a spectator only. To apply

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