Ask a Patent/Copyright/Trademark Attorney
Intellectual Property Attorneys will provide an overview and explain the differences between patents, trademarks and copyright, and be available to answer your questions. This program happens each First Thursday and you are welcome to attend as many as you would like.
Ask a Patent/Copyright/Trademark Attorney
Intellectual Property Attorneys will provide an overview and explain the differences between patents, trademarks and copyright, and be available to answer your questions. This program happens each First Thursday and you are welcome to attend as many as you would like.
Business Boost
Businesses need an edge over their competition and the owner who works smarter is often the one who gets ahead. The Library has electronic databases that an owner can use to build targeted lists of prospective customers and that can help businesses learn how their competitive peers are performing. Using Library Databases either at
Introduction to Prospect Research
Prospect research allows fundraisers to learn more about potential or existing donors’ personal backgrounds, giving histories, wealth indicators, and philanthropic motivations to evaluate a prospect’s capacity to give affinity toward an organization. This workshop will cover a variety of tools and resources freely available to help your nonprofit build a prospective research program from the
The V Project: Vaccinating our Region What Businesses Need to Know
The V Project is an area-wide initiative to educate, motivate and vaccinate the entire northwest Ohio corridor to dramatically slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To accomplish this, leaders from industry, government, non-profit, health care, education and religious organizations have united in this unprecedented effort to effectively mobilize our community. Thanks to extraordinary efforts by scientific and
The Path To A Patent, Part 4
Learn how to draft patent applications You need to understand patent application drafting to protect your invention. Attend this workshop and learn from USPTO experts about the formalities and requirements of drafting a patent application, as well as common pitfalls to avoid. Space is limited, so register early. You should have an intermediate knowledge of the intellectual property
The Path To A Patent, Part 3
The USPTO’s Regional Offices invite you to join us for The Path to a Patent: Patent searching Before you file your patent application, you need to conduct a prior art search. Learn about the benefits of searching, how to perform a prior art search using keywords and the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system, and how
The Path To A Patent, Part 2
The USPTO’s Regional Offices invite you to join us for part II of The Path to a Patent series: Drafting a provisional patent application Learn from USPTO experts the key differences between provisional and non-provisional patent applications, filing requirements and fees, the different ways available to file a provisional application, and more. The January 21
Trademark Fundamentals
The USPTO’s Regional Offices invite you to join us for Trademark Fundamentals Learn about trademark registration and ask experts your questions during Trademark Fundamentals, a virtual meeting with the USPTO’s Trademark Assistance Center (TAC). The Trademark Assistance Center (TAC) is the main support center for all customers, from first-time filers to legal professionals and experienced trademark
The Path to A Patent, Part 1
The USPTO’s Regional Offices invite you to join us for The Path to a Patent: IP basics. Learn about intellectual property basics at this interactive virtual session. In this module, we will provide a brief overview of the different types of IP (trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents). USPTO experts will then review the patenting process
IP Basics & Helpful Resources
Unfamiliar with patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets? Join the Midwest Regional USPTO in Detroit, Michigan as we discuss intellectual property basics and learn about potential ways to protect your invention as you transition from idea to product. This session is for aspiring entrepreneurs, innovators, and students every first Thursday of each month. Overview of
IP Basics & Helpful Resources
Unfamiliar with patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets? Join the Midwest Regional USPTO in Detroit, Michigan as we discuss intellectual property basics and learn about potential ways to protect your invention as you transition from idea to product. This session is for aspiring entrepreneurs, innovators, and students every first Thursday of each month. Overview of