Event Overview
Dr. Olivia K. Hernandez, Lead Engineer in Industrial Cybersecurity at The Ohio State University’s Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence, will provide an introduction to cybersecurity and best practices for small businesses. She will cover topics such as cyber inventories, password hygiene, and cybersecurity risk assessments. Let her help save you time, money, and headaches by avoiding costly cyberattacks. You can reach her at: Hernandez.127@osu.edu.
She will also share information about free cybersecurity training for Ohio small businesses funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The 3-5 hour course dives into topics such as internal auditing, vendor management, and phishing. Interested participants can register for this free course at cdme.osu.edu/sba and can bring questions about the program to this educational session.