Witzi’s Raw Granola produces grain and gluten-free granolas made with organic ingredients. The Witzi’s brand offers handmade granola in a variety of flavors and is available in stores across Ohio.


How did you get the concept for your business?

I was inspired to find granola to meet the dietary needs of my son. Once I learned soaking and dehydrating nuts and seeds resulted in improved digestion and maximized nutritional value, I searched but could not find granola made this way. I decided to change that.


What motivated you to apply for the Impact Program?

I had been paying attention to the programs and support offered by JumpStart for years. I attended the Startup Scaleup program my first year in business and was impressed by the people and content. The idea of an intense program that combed through all aspects of my business was too good to be true! I knew there were areas I need to better understand in order to take my business to the next level and I was open to the help.


What’s an area of business that you were hoping to learn more about in the Impact Program? 

I was hopeful to learn more about the financial aspect of my business. I wanted data to prove I really had something, and confidence to take that knowledge forward, to banks or investors.


Where do you see your business 5 years from now? 10 years from now?

In five years, I expect my brand to be known nationally and have a team of 10 or so. In 10 years, I expect I’ll have sold the business.


What advice would your give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

I would tell aspiring entrepreneurs to just get started. There is no right time, only delays. Do your research, assess your price and margins, and look for support around you. Also, check out JumpStart!


Want to take your business to the next level? Join the dozens of successful business owners like Amy who have benefited from the Small Business Impact Program. Click here to find out more.

Learn more about Witzi’s Raw Granola at witzisrawgranola.com