My Smart Home Ohio is a company that specializes in the installation, sale and service of smart home and business technology, including security, energy-saving and comfort devices. 


How did you get the idea for your business?

My uncle needed some security cameras installed at his residence. His friend offered to pay me to install his system as well. I figured, why not start a business out of this.


What were your goals coming into the impact Program?

My goal was to meet people who were once where I was in my business so I could acquire some knowledge on the steps it takes to scale my business.


What was The most enjoyable part of your time in the program?

The most enjoyable part of the program to me was the 5-minute pitch. It was fun creating it and also sharing it amongst the other participants.  


How was it working with other local business owners in your cohort?

It was enjoyable to experience other people that had strong entrepreneurial spirits like myself. Learning about their businesses and how they grew was something terrific to experience.


What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Be completely confident about what your business has to offer the world. 


Want to take your business to the next level? Join the dozens of successful business owners like Leatron who have benefited from the Small Business Impact Program. Click here to find out more.

Learn more about My Smart Home Ohio at